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Hi, I am

Antonio Teti

I am a

Salesforce Dev/Admin

based in



Welcome to my portfolio, where you'll explore a diverse array of projects showcasing my expertise in Salesforce development/administration, Web Development and UX/UI. Immerse yourself in the world of streamlined processes, efficient workflows, and innovative solutions tailored for optimal Salesforce performance. Join me on this dynamic journey, and I trust you'll discover solutions that leave you saying, "Impressive!"


Restriction on Case Origin Field (SALESFORCE)

When a case is created manually, then case origin should be editable, restricted from certain pick lists and not changed when editing

Tools: Page Layout & Validation Rule

Stop duplicates being created (SALESFORCE)

When a record is not expired (There is a custom field with an expiry date), then the user should be able to create another record with the same account.

Tools: Duplicate rules, Matching Rule, Custom Field, Validation Rule & Flow

Vulnerable Customer flag (SALESFORCE)

When a customer's account is notified as a Vulnerable Customer, then every case against it need to have a flag to notify they are a vulnerable customer.

Tools: Formula Field

Password Input Window (SALESFORCE)

Created an LWC to help Salesforce users to set Passwords on Clients Cases.

Tools: LWC

Contacts to automatically be created (SALESFORCE)

Created an apex trigger to create the same number of contacts as the number provided in the Account's 'Locations' field.

Tools: Apex

Restaurant Website

I focused on the redesign of Beza's Ethiopian Food website, an Ethiopian restaurant located in London. Through user surveys, interviews, and analytics review, I identified key pain points and preferences of the target audience. 

Tools: Figma, Adobe Xd, Wix Web Builder

Motorbike Parking Website (University Project)

I focused on building a handy website, to help fellow riders find suitable parking on the streets of busy and challenging London.

Tools: HTML, CSS, JS

I am Antonio.


As a Salesforce Admin/Developer, I have a passion for designing and developing custom solutions that meet business needs and drive value for stakeholders. With a degree in Computing and Information Systems from the University of West London, I bring a strong foundation in technology and a creative approach to problem-solving.

In my previous roles, I have gained experience working in different sectors, which has given me the skills to work well under pressure and adapt to any situation. As an enthusiastic team member, I enjoy collaborating with others and learning from their expertise.

I pride myself on my excellent interpersonal skills, which allow me to communicate effectively with stakeholders and present technical solutions in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, I am fluent in Italian, which has been an asset in collaborating with global teams and building strong relationships with international clients.


I Would love to hear from you

If you have any opportunities that you think I would be a good fit for a wish to collaborate, please don't hesitate to get in touch

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